Thursday, November 25, 2010

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Marriage Shabby Chic Cushions

style Shabby Chic was born negi United States and provides ilrecupero of furniture and objects (mostly from junk shops and grooming neimercatini), which later nav station, painted and quant'altroacquistano new life and glory. But it is not a simple restoration ... stanel trace the secret use of time and a taste of old and lived .
If you think that Shabby Chic style is applicable soloall'arredamento know that today is taking place as a true lifestyle, a way of being and living.
who loves this style has a soul and a romantic manod'artista! The warm atmosphere of Provence, the white and pastel colors, ifiori, natural materials like wood and stone and all that has unsapore retro!
Have you ever thought about your wedding style ShabbyChic ? Here are some ideas influenced Vintage will never forget!

A marriage in this style will stessotempo simple but charming and extremely romantic . Dellanatura prepared in accordance with its rhythms and relaxing holiday can become a special and original ... very easy but very chic !

You can choose to create an informal, young and fun with some changes, or more, you will get a more researched.
In any event, your guests will have a piacevolissimoricordo your best day!
you want to be really original and traditional unricevimento does not convince you? How about a Tea Party in the garden or picnic on the grass unsimpaticissimo ? These are the new trends of simplicity.
green light to garden furniture, wrought iron chairs, wood and many flowers and colors !
From the presentation of the food , all ' apparecchiaturadella table in detail, everything in your marriage, may have a retro flavor !
Few measures: tuttonei treated minimidettagli (as always, are the ones that make the difference), not the esageratecon decorations and remember to find the right thread in the preparation of "your" party ... everything must be consistent with the rest : choice of location, the equipment table, flowers and music (I guess in that respect, the violinisti  sull’erba o qualcosa di altrettanto rilassante).
In questo modo sarete sicure dinon rischiare uno spiacevole effetto kitsch e “caramelloso”. Affidatevi albuonsenso e non sbaglierete!
Se volete che anche il vostro abito sia in linea con una festa di questotipo visitate la pagina dedicata agli abiti da sposa vintage !
Altre ispirazioni in stile shabby nel secondo post dedicato al matrimonio shabby chic!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Is Your Cervix Soft Or Hard Before Period

-rings. Be creative! Set up a table

Per i cuscinetti che custodirannoi vostri anelli durante la cerimonia le nuove tendenze propongono l’uso ditessuti other than traditional silk and lace that are very traditional and even slightly off fashion!
Here are some ideas simpatichee truly original protagonists that the colors and flowers woven fabric that is true ... really chic! ♥ ♥

(@ heartpapersoul. com)
(@ )

Some bearings Made in USA, can be purchased on-lineall'indirizzo: Here they are ...

The following is an idea very funny! For those who decided it had enough of all rules of etiquette and detail you want to enjoy a little 'different than usual ...


I leave you with my favorite. Perfect for winter brides hearted romantic ...

Sara G.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Michael Jackson House Blueprints

princely here His Majesty the table setting!

whether apparatus is an art, to set the tavoladel your receipt you will need to fund all your skills. Why perrendere a truly magical atmosphere and impeccable affidarvicompletamente will not be able to catering. The risk is that your party looks like all lealtre ... a "fancy table setting and impeccable party can turn unasemplice un evento ricco di atmosfera ed è l’ingrediente fondamentaledi un banchetto memorabile capace di stupire e coccolare i vostri ospiti. Labontà del menù, la cortesia del servizio faranno il resto… e se volete chetutto sia perfetto, non dimenticate di assicurarvi che le sedie siano comode e chel’ambiente abbia la giusta temperatura. Considerate chei vostri ospiti trascorreranno almeno un’ora seduti al tavolo ed è importantemetterli a proprio agio. Ma soprattutto, come dice saggiamente Lina Sotis, lecondizioni perché una cena seduta riesca bene sono tre: il buon cibo, una spumeggianteconversazione e del buon vino che aiuti il tutto! :-)
(@ gariniimmagina)
But first things first!

The table
Although sometimes seem more original and stylish, huge tables where is the megaphone perascoltarsi are the bane of good conversation. Sceglietepiuttosto round tables of eight or ten people at most because they help laconversazione not stay between just two people. If conversazionelangue, even the most original receipt is likely to become noiosissimo.Per the comfort of your guests, the seating will be within loroalmeno between 70 cm to avoid the feeling of being "too close". For an important progress, learn to recover and reinvent vintage objects for the table setting truly original cost.
trick: before tablecloths, it is important to cover the tables with unmollettone that makes the floor softer and more comfortable. Allestoviglie prevents slip and improves the aesthetics of the whole.
The tablecloth should be immaculate and perfectly ironed, or devononotarsi no signs of folding. According to the etiquette must be in the form of tavoloe must touch the ground without touching the floor. A tablecloth lungaoltre to be too bad can be a hindrance to both guests and aicamerieri. Pesteda Avoid synthetic fabrics that as well as being bad are unpleasant altatto! letovaglie Personally I love the old kits, are always elegant.
(@ sposaliciuous)
At this point you essereinflessibili! Have you ever noticed the napkins folded in restaurants nelleforme more imaginative? A swan-shaped, flower, like an accordion in the glass ... horror!
This is exactly what not to do it! The napkin should be folded easily maperfetto, should be handled as little as possible and placed on the plate or allasua left. Impeccable mise en place this unmistakable creativity born of Angel Garibay ...
(@ gariniimmagina)
The centerpiece
I must admit, because it is not floral facileresistere the temptation to make it big! Take care then to noninvadere the table with a huge trophy that prevents flowering Dividends diners, to hear and speak. A good flower designer will be able to set up a Dichroic sumptuous and princely guests inomaggio without sacrificing aesthetics. A little advice eco chic is not exceeded with the use of cut flowers and to use only flowers in season. And if you're feeling contrarian and want to impress your guests, you can choose the design of eco creations like these beautiful paper flowers.
If your passion is breathtaking centerpiece andnot want to give it up, at least choose a support stem esottile high, so avoid subjecting your guests to a snervanteginnastica. Will thank you.
According to the bon ton should Only use laser and are absolutely free of perfume because il loro odore può infastidire durante un pranzo . Fate attenzione ad usaresolo quelle che non fanno fumo e non colano, meglio se ecologiche a base di pura stearina vegetale... così potrete godere di mille luci tremolanti limitando l'impatto ambientale.

Ultimo consiglio: mai mettere a tavolaportacenere e sottobicchieri!
Fatte salve le regole del bon ton potete volarecon la fantasia e sbizzarrirvi negli accostamenti di materiali e stilicoordinando ogni cosa secondo il gusto preferito, alla ricerca di quell’ideache può fare la differenza e creare l’atmosfera you've dreamed of. From the Baroque to the most piùsemplice is permitted, any trend, country, ethnic, minimalcontemporaneo, classic, shabby chic ... Here are some examples:
Whatever style solution is valid, the important thing is to create a harmonious that is an expression of a theme well precisoe able to give your reception that something personal and whimsical that tuttiricorderanno.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chunky Cm Means Pregnancy?

A ring for life: how to choose the faiths

The choice of wedding rings can be of simplicity and tradition or, if you want to be in line with current trends originality and do not give up, you can choose a ring that is creating a unique and yours alone. Many in fact are the models and ideas from which to take inspiration.

Keep in mind that where it does not reach that of the jewelers offer visit, you get your imagination. More and more married couples today choose draw their ring in every detail to be sure that is truly unique and in line with their tastes. Very common practice now to engrave inside the ring the name of your partner and the wedding date or any other message you want. The romantics may choose to make a mold of your fingerprint and the other on the ring back!

Nel mondo anglosassone è molto comune abbinare la fede nuziale all’anello di fidanzamento regalato in precedenza. Vengono creati dei veri e propri “set” in abbinata e moltissime sono le scelte possibili.
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Once the preferred models simply decide what materials we would like. The choice may fall on the classic solitaire combined with a belief in yellow gold, white gold, platinum or titanium. Obviously the budget is critical in establishing the material that we can afford.
The classic yellow gold is the most used and least expensive and you can find wedding rings to suit all budgets and all the shares: 10, 14, 18 and 24 K. The faith of this color symbolizes tradition, marriage. The 24 karat gold rings are the most valuable but also less resistant of others so if you are a "set" or a single ring, which lasts forever, choose a common model of 14 carats.
Se potete permettervi anelli in platino avrete un materiale eccellente che durerà neltempo e resisterà alle graffiature. Questi ne sono due bellissimiesempi.

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L’ultima novità sonogli anelli in titanio che vi assicureranno una notevole durata neltempo e un tocco di originalità ad un buon prezzo anche se nonpotranno regalarvi la stessa brillantezza dell’oro o del platino!

E per lo sposo?
Quando si sceglie la fede per lo sposo il consiglio è di tenere presente lo stile di vita , l’abitudine a indossare gioielli ed eventualmente un lavoro manuale che renderebbe poco adatti anelli pesanti, preziosi o troppo delicati. 
Il titanio è un materiale molto leggero e versatile che sta avendo sempre più successo per le fedi maschili in quanto offre un buon compromesso tra confort e resistenza.
Per chi cerca soluzioni più ricercate e preziose ci sono moltissime proposals rings more or less specific, and any price range.
Generally the trend for the groom is that of a larger ring, white gold or platinum and a rounded rather than flat is much more masculine!
remember that it is said that the wedding rings for her and for him to be the same ... Indeed, more and more couples looking for a ring in agreement with the partner but in line with your taste and personality.


Damiani's classic ...

(@ napolisposi)
and that of Cartier yellow gold, white and pink or platinum with brilliant!
Sara G.