Friday, February 25, 2011

Does Freezing Skin Tags Hurt

How to choose the menu for the wedding. Some tips to delight your guests

On the day of
Yes, the menu is one of many details to be taken into account. But the success of the reception depends the happiness of your guests in a day so important.
Always on the hunt for valuable advice, I involved Massimo Ricci - personal chef coo-king ( ) - that will guide us in choosing a menu capable of combine elegance and respect for natural materials ... in the style eco chic!
(Bigoli press gratin with anchovies, black olives and candied tomatoes)
(@ - Small squid stuffed green olives on a cream saffron potatoes )
(@ Cristiana Salvi - Some pictures Massimo preparations based products Lazio)
What are the golden rules to follow in the composition of the wedding menu?
"A wedding reception is not necessarily synonymous with pomp and ostentation in form and substance of the food. The choice seems simple and genuine combined with creativity and style can make custom of marriage, an opportunity to rediscover the essence of food and give a great experience for our guests. A sort of culinary journey that accompanies the "happiest day".

few small rule may be useful to conduct the most of its path in the lunch (or dinner) of marriage:
• First it is important not to be seduced by the name of the dishes . It often happens that high-sounding names conceal preparations artifacts. I recommend that you always talk with the supplier of catering to study the composition and procedure of each plate. • Then click
preferably fresh, seasonal and territory. This will reduce the risk of ending up in your food preservatives and additives due to seasonal or geographical leap and promote your ecological choice for a healthy diet that follows the natural cycle "at kilometer zero". •
avoid processed condiments (an excellent extra-virgin is the most delicious Mediterranean and there is) and messy foods that can always hide little freshness. •
evaluate with the help of some experienced friend , and its sensitivity, the goodness of the ingredients and combinations. •
taken to adapt the choice of place of receipt . For example not offering oysters and champagne in the country, but opt \u200b\u200bfor a menu as "rustic and traditional.
• Finally, do not overdo the course . I repeat: is not the quantity but the quality that makes your taste buds happy . A few dishes well combined and presented cheer taste and sight but not heavy in your stomach. And the wallet!

Low attentions can finally add a touch of inspiration that will make your wedding an event to remember. I propose such a theme that coordinates the selection of foods, such as the color of the dishes, presentation minimalist tradition ... but always tied to something that may belong to you. This is when you can express your creativity, not that of your caterer. So box, click, suggested. And your guests will take away with them not only the memory of your joy, but the experience you have been able to give him and made him "feel" the smells and tastes of real food. Yours. "

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Inova Blood Transfusion

Fool eco chic wedding! On the glamor that's good for ...

Il matrimonio eco-friendly è sempre più di moda, non solo per la sempre maggiore attenzione che le persone hanno per l’ambiente e per l’impatto che le proprie azioni hanno su di esso, ma soprattutto perché le nozze eco chic possono dare un tocco raffinato e estroso alle nozze mantenendo un occhio vigile al portafogli. Il 10 febbraio ho presentato a Roma, questa nuova tendenza in fatto di matrimoni: l'Eco Chic Wedding... ed è  stato un successo! :-) 
Fibra di mais per l'abito bianco, design di re-use per il banchetto, oro riciclato e diamanti no conflict, riduzione consumption and environmental pollution for the wedding that does not give up the glamor, the new philosophy of "slow" decline in all moments of the most beautiful day. The speakers were so many guests and, to my surprise, many journalists intrigued by this new proposal.
(actress Maria Mons to journalist Barbara Molinaro are watching my brochure ...)
( the great Maria Rosaria Omaggio ... and me!)
(Beta and Robert ...)
A special thanks goes to my wonderful co-workers to get set up with great originality and style the various eco-friendly spaces: Giancarlo Mastinelli, Mana Beautyroom, Alessandra Repetto Fabre , Maria Luisa and Francesca La Mancha, Francesca Franco, Ludovica Cirillo. Thanks to the refined jazz musicians Tram . And thanks to Gianluca Adovasio for taking these beautiful photos of the event ...
This beautiful wedding cake organic has nothing to envy to the creations of Peggy Porschen! We served with a sauce of hot chocolate ... Believe me, it was a real treat that has won many hearts!
Giancarlo has really outdone himself in this sculpture with flowers, vines and pink ... really glamorous, very chic!
are flattered and happy about this interest, and I think after the hectic pace and the race to the spectacular in recent years, the watchwords in "day of Yes "are, increasingly, slow down and rediscover their ties. The sensitivity to eco-friendly choices is becoming more common and is born of the desire to return to a more authentic lifestyle. The couples who write to me seek alternative solutions to those offered by most commercial circuit the wedding and I try to give them solutions that combine the desire refined details with the desire to be good love for the environment . Then, it must be said that the tendency to avoid the waste and the environment is affecting a bit 'all sectors of our economy. In times of "austerity and economic hardship, you must pay attention to the organizing expenses may also del "giorno più bello".   Il green wedding può essere molto fresco e giovane ed è aperto a stili diversi, dal più classico e romantico al più estroso e moderno, perché tutti i prodotti sono creazioni esclusive confezionate su misura per gli sposi.
(abito bianco in fibra di mais e seta naturale dipinta a mano)
Ho voluto organizzare questa serata dedicata alle Nozze Eco Chic per rispondere alle tante richieste ricevute e per offrire suggerimenti concreti per una cerimonia raffinata ed elegante ma organizzata nel rispetto dell’ambiente with an eye to the economic side, something that does not hurt, given the time. I firmly believe that the luxury market and weddings, must first respond to a need for ethical and personal well-being, not just aesthetic. The future trend, in my opinion, is a system that can generate wealth for themselves, their peers, the environment and the economy in the short and long term. And the marriage Eco Chic allows us to take a small gesture of love for the environment without giving up a very impressive receipt. Look how wonderful these old Murano chandeliers juxtaposed with floral creations Giancarlo Mastinelli ...
How about a patchwork of old lace and doilies for a panel of married couples with design re-use?
(creations byLudo "Ludovica Cirillo)
And if you are a lover of animals, your puppy will be very elegant ... Dogs with a dress made of silk and natural boutonnière eco chic!
Marriage Eco Chic is an economical solution to obtain a result of high level . Advice is simple: to rediscover the family crystal and silverware that can be developed in the decorations, choose the local handcrafted, use flowers in season, maybe from organic crops, and serve food at zero km prepared according to the dictates of the "slow food" .
Considering an average of about 100 people invited to the wedding event as a whole can get to spend € 10,000, a figure considered contained if the cost of traditional marriage. A tailored suit made exclusively for the bride in natural fabrics can cost from 800 to 2500 €, while for a reception with local products is spent by 60 ai 90 euro a persona. Esistono infinite soluzioni creative adatte ad ogni tipo di budget. L'Eco Chic Wedding vi permette di risparmiare fino al 30% sui costi dei festeggiamenti di nozze ,  rispetto ad un matrimonio organizzato nel circuito più tradizionale e commerciale, ed è una scelta di gusto che contribuisce a salvaguardare il nostro ambiente. 
E se avete curiosità o volete consigli e suggerimenti, scrivetemi!  Sarò felicissima di rispondervi!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ontario Nursing Homes Average Stay

is the winner of giveaway eco chic

Eccomidi ritorno nel mio amatissimo blog!! Mi scuso per avervi tenuto sulle spine…ma lo sapete che proprio mentre latitavo siete diventati 6.000?? Che folla... :-) ... sono proprio felice.
Ma torniamo a noi! Finalmente il vincitore è stato proclamato a insindacabile giudizio di Alessandra Fabre Repetto.
Complimenti a Audrey!  A te andrà una magnifica collana eco chic! eh sì... noi donne, si sa, siamo sempre delle romantiche.
Ti contatterà prestissimo Alessandra Fabre Repetto per l’invio della collana, inoltre potrai usufruire di una gift card per un trattamento omaggio presso la SPA Mana Beautyroom.

audrey said ...
the journey is more original than I am about to do ... Jan. 28 to leave New York as a surprise to my ex boyfriend that I realized he still loves. now he works there and I will present a surprise out of his office as soon as it landed in the Big Apple! to amaze me and I hope to tell him how I want ... regardless of the outcome of the company will update you here on the blog! certainly there we talk a bit 'and could be a risk! but love is a gamble! soon. mariarita.lavatelli @

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Anamea Calls Recorder

Examples of the life

... ... ...

"We try to analyze these events with a mind free of preconceptions. To do this before we step back and establish a method that can then be expanded to the point that interests us.

therefore stem from the celestial conjunctions. We can talk about conjunctions among the stars, because from our point of view the rest of the space appears to us as projected onto a two-dimensional spherical surface. So we will be a three-dimensional space, we can say that two stars are in conjunction when they occupy the same position on two-dimensional time, but we know that in reality, three-dimensional space the two stars are just aligned with our point observation. So in summary we can define a conjunction, because we keep a space with one more dimension than that observed.

now agree with me that if instead of two stars point, we wanted to observe the links between infinite plane, we should be able to make it go in a space with a dimension higher than that in which there are no such plans, so as to project these them and treat them the same way as stars in the sky two-dimensional.

Take, for real this situation, assuming that this series of interlocking boxes used in many natural examples, and then we see the consequences that brings.

Now a celestial point in fact if you observe closely (perhaps through a telescope Gnome) appears not as such but rather with two apparent size (we know that they are actually 3, but still the effect of the projection). The concept of joining as an overlay then loses sense if we see no point bodies.

In the case of plans that we consider infinite, this sense of "conjunction" is totally meaningless, because there would be overlap constant throughout the infinite space occupied by the plans. But if we take into account that the planar conjunctions occur only when there is an overlap of specific parts of the plans under consideration, we can easily solve the doubt. What are these areas? They are mostly from areas where there is a certain kind of bond, the easier it is such a divine connection, how could it be that between the plane of existence resides on a particular deity and a plan in which there is a some kind of connection with that deity. In those two points, the flow of divine energy distorts the space in conjunction putting the two planes. This is what we can observe some famous during the rare religious festivals, during which some small and unstable portals that make the energy flow to the area with a lower concentration (usually the material plane) resulting in extraordinary phenomena.

Again, however, let us ask ourselves the problem of what happens if we think that a divine realm is not really pinpoint an area, but an extended area in space. Again we find ourselves in a situation where they can not speak of overlap. However, if our previous arguments are consistent, we should have specific points within the individual plans, which periodically (although in very large loops) should coincide with each other. When these points of accumulation of energy, whether you are able to divine or arcane energy, come into conjunction, we'll be looking at this degree of overlap that the effects should be of a scale unimaginable.

Let's look at some events, which in turn will specify the source, could be related to these events. "

... ... ...

Retrieved from" De motibus planorum "by Zardoz Archmage.

How Did The Aids Come About?

Reuse, recycle, recreate super chic wedding ... with low cost solutions

Until a few years ago it was very fitting to see tuttiabituati traditional flower arrangements on every table, the silver candlesticks, a few got up to the buffet ... then the table favors, the pelleted ... let's face it, the result is that weddings are a little like 'all. But ilmeraviglioso world of wedding design from overseas has given us new ideas and èdifficile not think to escape from the traditional and find new inspirations click away. It 'clear, features traditional, often expensive, continuanoad be impressive, but is increasingly making its way the idea that puòscegliere something unusual and ecological to create a veramenteunico design and affordable for everyone.
Chatting with a young wife I was reminded alcunitrucchetti to have a production effect by using materials low cost.
Not easy to get something extra for using old cans! With a bit of ironiapotrete reinterpret in a thousand ways and transform them into refined details einsoliti. Lepossibilità are endless: a vase, lantern, glass, wedding favor ... Just farlavorare imagination, and voila! here is to design the DIY for a wedding "low budget" but eco chic style .
Take delfil of iron, a chain, a candle, a sheet of rice paper, a satin ribbon for the finishing touch ilgioco and done! And here's one thousand fireflies suspended in a magical atmosphere.
(a buffet for a romantic wedding in the summer)
Perfetti also to illuminate the path of the guests back into an enjoyable summer evening ... If the idea you enjoy and want to try to achieve them, you will find the tutorial here lespiegazioni with every step.
These jars will fall from a romantic touch to a wedding country chic.

Ummmm ... cans filled with ice cream to offer to your guests ...

Filled with a delicious jelly Amarone wine wedding favors will be a DIY sought after! You'll look great.
;-) I love the idea of \u200b\u200bgiving the guests a mini cake in a jar ...

I leave you with a proposal given to the bravest ... You :-) sure they are the flowers to make beautiful table? Here's a version that combines eco chic vintage-inspired different materials: old buttons, spools of thread, lace, tins, with an overall really amazing to look super chic!
I like the idea?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Letter To Ask For Community Service Project

Vintage Glamour! The eco-friendly wedding dresses for old ...

Turn between the markets is one of my favorite pastimes. So every time I go to browse the scavengers hunting for vintage treasures. I love the idea of \u200b\u200bgiving objects used to a new life. And then I'm a sentimental type and I like to find trinkets that remind me of my childhood: the books of fairy tales, toys, pins her grandmother ...
But if I told you that the markets are the ideal places to shop for your wedding?
Especially if you love the style and want to give a shabby Eco Chic touch to your wedding !
No. .. are not crazy ... ^___^
Imagine an intimate wedding, an informal table, whimsical and colorful, full of objects reinvented and renewed, juxtaposing them with humor and creativity ... Well, I'm sure that leaves everyone speechless!
You keep the dishes and use them after the wedding, or give them away to guests as "Wedding Favors". I'm so intrigued by this idea that I spent a whole afternoon to collect information on the web ... and guess what '... I discovered that in England the fashion of vintage marriage took so much foot that some brides have decided to reuse their collection of porcelain to give it a rental. My result is Vintage Party, where you can rent accessories, plates, cups and cutlery vintage wedding banquet for e. .. hear hear! what they have seen my eyes?! even a trailer of the 60s! a perfect setting for a fun marriage ecological outdoor ...
I leave you with some pictures that I hope will inspire you!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Nec Superscript Color 3000

It held its first seminar on eco chic wedding

La prima edizione del seminario ha visto protagonisti alcunigiovani sposini per un pomeriggio dedicato all'ecologia eall'eleganza nelle nozze.
Sono entusiasta dell’interesse e soprattutto delle tante domande che mi fanno ben sperare per la diffusione di uno stile di matrimonio un po' più personale eautentico anche da queste parti !

Abbiamo deisegreti Treaty organization, how to choose natural materials, artistic creations divalorizzare crafts, how to give, even nelgrande day, the true pleasure of good food ... all the "tricks" that viconsentiranno to limit the cost of the wedding reception and living senzastress, so very authentic and personal.

But not only ... He could miss a corner greedy? Lechiacchiere continued assembles in front of cup of tea and homemade cookies ... :-)
E 'was a great experience, but it is only the first step because we have already planned new dates!

Remember this blog is an open space available , so if you have curiosity about the wedding "eco chic" or concerns about the organization of your wedding please email me! I'll be happy to answer your questions, even though we never met ...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Making An Led Light Bulb

The Eco Chic contest giveaway! The trick

It 's a really wonderful feeling to share their passions with so many people! My blog has only weeks to live but to my surprise he came to 3,000 contacts! :-)
I'm really surprised that so many people have the time to read me. Thank you!
I thought so little to celebrate this milestone and to involve my readers in a game by putting a prize.
now know, a My passions are the creations of eco-friendly and glamor (although I'll have some mania it ...) so I decided to offer two beautiful necklaces Alessandra Repetto Fabre. Alessandra was fantastic because he immediately accepted with enthusiasm to working with me to the first contest Eco Chic! Look how wonderful!
What are you waiting? ? Join the contest!
The rules are simple. to receive as a gift one of these necklaces you:
1 - to be fixed readers of the blog
2 - comment on this post telling us the "most original travel " by February 5 2011. The most original idea ever will win the prize. The jury will be composed by me and Alex Fabre (... you can trust!). The winner can choose one of the necklaces that when the order will be customized with the color that vi piace. Domenica 6 febbraio  pubblicheremo un post con il nome del vincitore su questo blog.

Ma c’è di più… Chi tra voi è residente nel Lazio avrà anche la possibilità di ricevere un trattamento wellness omaggio a base di prodotti organici e oli essenziali presso la SPA Mana Beautyroom . Potrete scegliere tra:
Pure Focus,  un tocco di freschezza
Un trattamento concentrato su misura per la tua skin and your needs, exfoliation, facial massage and mask for neck or back a wonderful brightness. Duration 30 '
Stress relieving treatment, thought of lightness
massage anti stress that affects the scalp, neck, back, arms and hands, giving a deep relaxation. Duration 30 '

Do not forget that Sunday, January 23, again at Beautyroom Mana, is scheduled free seminar the bon ton and the organization of eco chic wedding ! An afternoon of fragrant biscuits, tea, chocolate and spices to give an unmistakable touch of glamor to your wedding ...

I hope I have done something pleasing. Good luck! ... And wins the most original! ;-)

Friday, January 7, 2011

What Does Wr Meanin Knitting

bride: the secrets to get the perfect big day

Care brides, have you thought of the good intentions for 2011?
few months you will realize your dream and you know that every bride dreams of being beautiful. This is the right time to start taking care you.
Today I have for you right in the Serbian secret to ensure a beautiful effect, "Wow!" and leave everyone stunned when you walk in the aisle!
I asked Francesca Barocci, beauty consultant for Aveda and LI'TYA , to explain how to get a perfect skin to the wedding day:
"The recipe for a bride happy and bright: is to take care of propria pelle e dei capelli, ma non solo... il segreto è dedicarsi a ciò che è dentro di Sé .
Specialmente in giorni in cui le emozioni e lo stress si fanno sentire, non possiamo permettergli di intaccare la bellezza di quel giorno così importante!
Per questo è fondamentale dare spazio ai percorsi emozionali, al rilassamento e al mantenimento del nostro equilibrio. La più grande fonte di bellezza è l’armonia dei sensi . Per svelarla vi basterà intraprendere un percorso che oltre a dedicarsi alla cura della  pelle e dei capelli con prodotti organici, sia soprattutto un percorso emozionale.
For skin care advice is to always use natural products, not chemicals, because the benefits drawn from them are higher and because they feel that they leave on the skin of well-being is natural, but also for the philosophy on which they based their work, or the love for body, spirit and environment.
The secret to having a light complexion is to start as soon as a daily care of the epidermis. Drink plenty of fluids, at least two liters of water a day, you free of toxins and makes the skin brighter. Take a good diet and a little 'exercise every day. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and natural foods. Always use a sun protection factor in the winter months because the sun dries the skin and causes premature wrinkles and blemishes.
Go to the hairdresser regularly, at least every 4 weeks for a deep conditioning hair treatment. The results are amazing! Finally, do not forget your hands, because it will be featured on the big day. Use daily hand cream and the day before the wedding, have a professional manicure and a pedicure. "