courses that I propose in the shop are at different levels and I'm going to list them below, regarding the dates and costs, please call 0574.549993 or 338.1016283 or send an email to contattatemi e troveremo insieme il momento più adatto alle vostre esigenze.
Corso base di scrapbooking:
Realizzeremo due pagine formato 30,5x30,5 cm, durante la creazione dei layout affronteremo i temi e le poche regole che esistono nello scrap, quali il journaling, il titolo, l'abbinamento dei colori, la disposizione delle foto ecc.. La durata del corso è di circa 3 ore. E' necessario portare delle foto.
Corso per principianti.
Corso biglietti
Si realizzano tre tipi di biglietti, using different techniques together, we will use stamps, pads, powders relief, watercolor crayons, paper and various embellishments.
do not need pictures.
Course for beginners.
Course mini album "A giant leap backward"
is built around a mini accordion-style album "vintage", we will use many stamps, pads, distress ink, papers, Jenny Bowlin, lace and embroidery, as well as metal parts.
The course lasts four hours, you must bring at least 5 pictures in black and white.
advanced level course.

Course mini album "chocolate-flavored"
Mini Album made with the cards and Rusty Pickle Bazzill, all in shades of pink and brown.
The course lasts for 4 hours, the photos are not needed but if there is better, even in sepia tones.
course average

Course Favors:
The months of ceremonies draw near, and processed for time with your hands, investments and favors.
The course lasts 3 / 4 hours.
photos are not necessary
This page of the course is always updated, so if you're interested I suggest you consult it often. As I also had many requests to do handouts with online courses to reach those who are far from the store, I inform you that I'm gearing up for these, when they are ready it will talk on the blog.

This page of the course is always updated, so if you're interested I suggest you consult it often. As I also had many requests to do handouts with online courses to reach those who are far from the store, I inform you that I'm gearing up for these, when they are ready it will talk on the blog.
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