increasingly fashionable, always greener. It is fashionable marriage eco-chic! The last frontier of marriages celebrated the ecologiacon luxury. It should then performed the 'eco-chic wedding " the matrimonioche not give up the glamorous but that environmental sustainability is a cornerstone of suoipunti . Not only dresses and wedding favors ecological philosophy but "slow" decline in all moments of the wedding.
The eco-chic è tendenza che ha già conquistato il mondodell’haute couture. Chiamatelo eco-chic o eco-lusso il risultato non cambia, molte griffe dell'alta moda hanno dato vita a nuove linee diprodotti fondati sul rispetto della natura perun lusso sostenibile : Gucci, Ferragamo, Yves Saint Laurent, Giorgio Armani, Lacoste, ErmenegildoZegna, Vivienne Westwood, per citarne alcuni.
I l mercato del lusso si è allontanato dal consumo di prodotti artificiali trovando Back to Earth laprincipale inspiration. Silim The phenomenon is not fashionable but infects all sectors, from cosmetics design, dalleautomobili taste.
Ecology and living in eco-fashion details chicwedding, summarizing our new philosophy in the organization dellenozze . Weddings banner of the "politically correct" but they do not renounce allestimentioriginali charm, made with environmentally friendly products and sophisticated with a touch of originality.
boom ecological trends inAmerica born and arrived in Italy a few years ago, esemplicità synonymous with sobriety, but we we reinterpreted glamorous for those who voglionoessere environment without sacrificing elegance. We propose a marriage that combines the attention to the environment and the details of fashion, the discovery of expressions of creative excellence and the highest craftsmanship of Made in Italy.
From clothes to the wedding feast everything is set up in pienorispetto philosophy of "slow" and the impact zero. The result? Dettagliricercati, wedding etiquette and original productions.
But the eco-chic wedding, as we have conceived, well-handling is above the luxury to choose natural materials to enhance the creazioniartistiche craft designed exclusively for the bride and groom to enjoy the pleasure conlentezza real good food. It 's a matter of taste contributing a salvaguardareil nostro ambiente e permette di limitare molto i costi del ricevimento, voce che incidepiù delle altre sul budget del grande giorno.
La sposa eco-chic potrà avere un abito vintage, che oltre adavere un grande fascino è di gran moda, oppureun capo realizzato sartorialmente con tessuti naturali e finitureesclusive per un look che spazia del classico al contemporaneo .
(abito eco-fashion in tessuto naturale)
Il make-up sposa sarà realizzato con prodotti di bellezzaorganici ed esclusivi , gli inviti stampati su carta riciclata e impreziositi daun progetto grafico “su misura”.
Genuinità e naturalezza saranno d’obbligo sulla tavola nuziale. Il menù sarà basato su prodotti delterritorio biologici e stagionali preparati secondo i dettami dello “Slow Food” and interpreted in a creative and focusing suunicità absolute freshness of the products used .
rigorosamentecreazioni The favors are handmade or natural products as a small jar of honey or jam, or the pretty decorated cookies. I cadeau de mariage traditional are increasingly out of fashion and fashion then why noncavalcare born in the United States to give a bulbodi fiore datravasare o una pianta che l’invitato potrà tenerein giardino? Un bel ricordo che vive e produce ossigeno. (creazioni eco-chic di Alessandra Fabre Repetto) (
Anche le fedi saranno in oro riciclato e diamantinon-conflict not come from war zones. The choice is to reuse ivecchi jewels locked in a drawer, perhaps out of fashion but with a great valoreaffettivo to get rings that do not produce any environmental damage purconservando their sentimental significance.
outfits you can choose to floral arrangements with flowers such as local lepeonie, violets or roses, perhaps from crops biologiche.Un touch of class will use throughout the construction of reinterpreted vintage items such as crystal, glass vases ecornici of different shapes and sizes that you can use conmeravigliosi aesthetic results.
For receipt sipotrà choose an exclusive place but not far from the church . Not only do beneall'ambiente but especially to take care of your guests, who nonpotete require long travel from one place to another. Some eco-chic original location? A tram- ristoranted'epoca, traveling to celebrate the wonders of Rome, or party on an old sailing ship that can accommodate up to 150persone. If you prefer to stay on proposals for more classic, you can choose a farm, an ancient palace or a beautiful terrace on the beautiful city, but always taking care not to contact facilities that offer solutions too commercial.
Very popular is also the wedding picnic daallestire in a beautiful garden with various postazioniimpreziosite small floral shabby-chic style, tableau eun basket containing dishes prepared with strictly organic food . For the more whimsical, it is possible to marry inmongolfiera, or even use the machine to arrive in the irreplaceable location of the ceremony.
(@ Calli B Photography)
The wedding eco chic is a approach sophisticated wedding event with a romantic, fresh, elegant, but they are also a solution economy that allows you to save up to 30% while maintaining a high level result .
For those seeking intimate wedding, we can propose solutions from € 6,000 for 50 invited all inclusive! The proposals include: reception for 50 guests, dressed to the bride and groom, place cards / favor box, tableau, photojournalism and floral arrangements. Obviously there are infinite creative solutions to fit every budget , but if you dream of a princely marriage, choose products of short chain and alternative locations a quelle più commerciali vi garantirà un risultato di grande qualità che farà bene a voi, al nostro ambiente… e al portafogli! Per tutte le nostre sposine, a breve avremo in programma un seminario gratuito che vi svelerà tutti i segreti dell'organizzazione di un perfetto matrimonio eco - chic...