Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Submission Moves, Women Wrestling

Plan shabby chic wedding ... original and affordable for all

I am always enchanted by the beauty of shabby chic weddings. Unostile apparently sloppy that mixes vintage items to tonalitàfresche of pastel colors to invent a magical romantic flavor of the emotions that cattural'essenza . S emplice, natural, elegant, vintage ... I fell in love instantly.
A beautiful interpretation of filosifia eco chic that comes again from overseas ...

(@ Once Wed)
The simplicity of this style makes stand out even the smallest en detail ulla is left to chance. And then an old suitcase in sitrasforma floral centerpieces, i fazzoletti in un coloratissimo festone, unvecchio barattolo in una lanterna. 
(@Lisa Lefkowitz)
Le sedie di recupero sono impreziosite concuscini dalle fantasie romantichee gli schienali con voile o ghirlande, mentre la tavola è imbandita conalzate ricche di dolci che deliziano occhi and palate.
(@ amorologyweddings.com)
(@ stylemepretty.com)
(@ weddingchicks.com)
final touch setting, flowers, glasses and bottles ... recisiin and the result is amazing! Cosìgiovane and fresh!
(@ Lisa Lefkowitz)
(@ ruffleblog.com)
Well, I must admit that dimatrimoni here with us so we do not see many strange people. It 'hard to find deglisposini brave who want to give up receiving more classic ... Eppureil shabby chic wedding is the ideal solution for many young couples , left entirely to the couple fantasiadegli and with a myriad of low cost solutions! a piccoloconsiglio But if you allow me, I tell you that you do not have to convince others that questopotrebbe not be a style appropriate for a wedding. If you do not have a big budget adisposizione and want to organize something nice and green, then the shabby chicfa for you! You can believe me when I tell you that if you find the courage dirischiare a little, you'll get a great result by surprise efattore "Wow" ... ;-) chiaccetta the challenge?


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