Thursday, August 14, 2008

Nadine Jansen Breasts

............ NEW COURSES

Here is a small peek as promised in the courses "summer" I propose to Gatteo Ocean on the first weekend of September (see previous post). The three courses will be articulated as follows:


easy course where we are going to take three tickets, using different materials and techniques with each other, including stamps and watercolor pencils.

Album Pages

page nr. 1

We set two-page "classic" for scrapbooking, size 12 "x12" (30.5 cmx30, 5cm), one of two pages for use mainly needle and thread and stamps. This page is only one photo measuring 10x15 cm.

page no.2

coming soon, descriptions and images

Mini album "Summer"

build a mini 8 pages of albums measure 15x15 cm where you're going to put some photos taken during the summer. For this course requires eight photographs measuring 8x12 cm

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Port Royale 2 Resource Cheat


Although August is a month of calm, and that many scrappers are on holiday in procuring the raw material or photos, scrapbooking in the long months of autumn-winter ......... I'm not with our hands, scrapbooking and make orders, scrapbooking projects to prepare all of the courses they propose to Gatteo Mare and make orders to fill the shelves of the store. Meanwhile in the shop were reassorted some materials that were missing from some time, especially products EK success, then the cutter blades, punches and other things, almost indispensable, as well as rub or rub on the Gaia. While among the new features are finally getting the first cards ordered the CHA summer, the fantastic DaisyBuckets Design , or these here:
Also new are the acetate came from both Color Conspirancy that the Hambly Studio I like crazy ......... these are the new color design Conspirancy, this firm continues to offer French to me very beautiful things.


From Friday, September 5 to Sunday, September 7 at Patchwork Scrapbooking await Gatteo Mare (FC)
A combination of courses to choose between the two techniques, in collaboration with the fairy shop Mani Gatteo Sea, Hobbies Paper scrapbooking and paper and remember Prato, Hotel Residence Riviera Hotel
Friday, September 5: 14:00 to 16:30
two layouts 30.5x30.5 cm: two classic pages of scrapbooking with Patty , cost 25.00 €
16:30 to 19:00 Oreste scarecrow with Mara and Gabriela, easy, cost € 50.00

Saturday, September 6: 9:30 to 12:00
Civetta Placeholder with Mara and Gabriela, easy, cost € 10.00 and Sunflower Napkin, easy, cost € 18.00
10:00 to 12:00 greeting cards for every occasion, with Patty , cost € 20.00
Witch Coprivivande 14:30 to 18:30 with Mara and Gabriela, medium difficulty, cost 58.00 15:00 to 18:00 €
Mini album themed summer to remember, with Patty, cost € 35.00

Sunday, September 7 9:00 to 12:00
Mini album with Patty, cost € 35.00
Pumpkin Portacaramelle 9:30 to 11:00, easy, and with Mara Gabriela, cost € 15.00
14:00 to 16:30 two layouts 30.5x30.5 cm: 2 pages of classic Scrapbooking with Patty , cost € 25.00
The cost includes all course materials.
For those wishing to stay at the Riviera Hotel Residence, the cost per person on full board per day is € 37.00 for those who also wished to stop for Sunday lunch, may do so at a price of € 15.00. Children from 0-2 years 50% discount, 30% discount 2-4 years, 4-8 years 20% discount.
To book or request information, write or call 3474335420 for entry to courses is necessary to pay a deposit to buy in the shop


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Fast Heartrate Constant

Images Olympic

Of course you have to be Chinese to attain such perfection ...
Hats off to China and the opening ceremony of the Olympic diocesan told fantastic choreography with its 4000 years of history from Confucius to Mao Tse Tung, the Silk Road with Marco Polo to the Great Wall of China, the 'invention gunpowder to that of Print ... representing all of this with 280 dancers with precision "Chinese" rather than the Swiss ... in fact, remember that the record in the Guinness Book of World Records is just the Chinese dominoes do ...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pregnant Nadine Jansen Breasts

D1eg0 M @ r @ @ d0n

phenomenon Then I can call anyone ... Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Torres ...

this and how do you call me?

accepted suggestions ...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Nifedipine Night Sweats

The dream of every Livorno Livorno

Do not think that the "Leghorn type" is so bad to hope for something like this to happen for no reason ...
ma vi immaginate che incremento del turismo, con la conseguente crescita economica, ci potrebbe essere se succedesse? Vi immaginate i turisti che correrebbero a vedere le rovine della più bella delle 7 meraviglie del mondo ? ma non solo Pisa ne trarrebbe vantaggi, decollerebbe il porto di LIVORNO, l' areoporto di Firenze, i trasporti via treno e taxi, cambierebbe in meglio un mondo intero...... Ahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ora, apparte gli scherzi, questa è una cartolina che si può trovare benissimo lungo le bancarelle in piazza dei Miracoli a Pisa con la didascalia che dice: "Il sogno di ogni livornese...." forse qualche pisano può pensare che noi livornesi siamo così meschini o sciocchi, ma non è così... ricordiamoci del detto: le parole le porta via il vento... e le biciclette i pisani ... ricordiamoci che in ogni detto c'è sempre un fondo di verità...

Ohio Drivers License Renewal Price


.......Giovedì 31/07/08, ore 8 30, sono ancora addormentato, anche se sono già al bar fare colazione e a leggere il giornale quando leggo una notizia che mi lascia talmente di stucco che mi ha fatto passare il sonno tutto insieme. La notizia racconta di un UOMO ricoverato all' improvviso all' ospedale e operato urgentemente per avere nel sedere il collo di una bottiglia troncato nel c.... sedere!!!!!!! Si si proprio così, had put up the ass a simple glass bottle ... The news plus adds the detail that says' echipe doctor who performed the 'operation had to use an entire tube of Vaseline to be able to extract the piece of bottle "accidentally" or "accidentally" had penetrated in the ass of the' individual whose do not know the name but the newspaper said there be a well-known of Livorno ...
Then they say that the glass does not hurt ... mah !.........