Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Problems With Born Shoes

Games of the XXIX

Officially called Games of XXIX Olympiad. In the world better known as Beijing 2008, or 2008 Beijing Olympics. Among
only 8 days, the Olympic Flame will arrive in the Chinese capital, and 08 / 8.8, from Bird's Nest stadium, one of the architectural wonders of the Olympiad, the whole world will live imposing fixed for the opening ceremony. 28 disciplines, including tennis, Taekwondo, Fight to the Baseball will hold glued to television screens billion viewers. Italy, for now, will be presented with over 300 athletes. The blue team is flattering performance from Athens 2004, where he has collected 31 medals. It will be difficult, but in sport is a must aim to improve.
These are some of the pictograms that were designed to represent the various Olympic disciplines

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Best Mid Priced Av Receiver Denon

Olympics Poetry of "Grandpa Borghese"

I state that I have done in the navy and I can boast of being the most beautiful sailing ship in the world ... When I disembarked from Vespucci, I was assigned to barracks Grupnul in the naval dockyards of La Spezia ...

During that period I worked at the knee but not for reasons due to Naja, so I did 6 months of convalescence; months have done that six months after I leave my comrades ( FRA '). When I came back from 'do my friends were laid off and I found myself in the midst of "BURBETTE" much younger than me ... I found myself in a few words anzianissimo!

When I left the boys with whom he had tied for the most made me very movingly a letter that ended with a poem:


This is the story of his grandfather who leave the bourgeois
missed a single month
This is the story of 'What the heroic grandfather
tired he fell asleep from exhaustion
But that was not felt in what
knew it was over

Begins in La Spezia 'story is stupid
Then the grandfather was just a plug
It was the guards, empty trash
hated signatures and licking the dirty
seems incredible but true story
He had never taken a full decade

Never had the money dirty rogue
every day waiting for the arrival of money
The woman wrote "love comes back"
E Meanwhile, the country made him horns
went to the store with a very slow pace
Thinking about the end of the long torment

Ormai sulle spalle la naia pesava
Ma al nonno borghese più nulla importava
Mangiava dormiva più nulla faceva
Pensando al congedo che ormai lo attendeva
Tremavan le spine e battevano i denti
Al passare del nonno era tutto un attenti

Intanto la stecca sciupata dal tempo
Guardava la guardia e rideva contento
Odiava i discorsi e chiacchiere altrui
Soltanto la stecca parlava per lui
E come ogni storia a lieto fine
Lasciò la stecca alle povere spine

E quando al congedo vede la burba sfinita
Gli grida “per te una è vita per me è FINITAAAAAAAAA! ”
Sono passati 8 anni, BELLISSIMA! Forse a leggerla così, distaccati, sembra una cavolata, ma quando mi sono trovato in quel contesto, beh, per me questa piccola filastrocca era carica, e lo è tutt' ora, di significati... è fatta a posta per chi ha vissuto certi momenti per questo io mi ci sono rivisto in ogni singolo verso... Comunque ringrazio FRATTARELLI e tutti gli altri per quella lettera e per la festa del mio congedo che non scorderò mai!

Monday, July 28, 2008 Fruit Basket Fotos

Chat But he fell in love find themselves a husband and wife

Innamorati l'uno dell'altra in Rete. Lui e lei si incontrano in chat e dopo i primi scambi di parole, come now to speak in confidence through hours of tedious and perhaps even their marriages failed. Virtually she is "Sweetie," he calls himself 'Prince of Joy'. The two finally decide to make the coveted appointment. Ma .. the meeting ends when they discover the magic of being a wife and husband. It is not the plot of a film but what happened to a couple of Zenica, a town in central Bosnia. Sana Klaric, alias 'Sweetie' and her companion Adnan, aka 'Prince of Joy' are now accusing each other of infidelity and divorce. The news is the British newspaper the Daily riporatata Telegraph.Eppure Sana than 27 years, almost incredulous of what happened, declares that it was all in chat so fantastic, "I suddenly found myself in love. It was amazing." While Adnan, 32 year-old said: "I still can not believe that Sweetie, who wrote wonderful things, is really the same woman I married and many years of marriage did not say a nice word."

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Computer Tower Has Scratches

echo off into space .......

Sometimes one speaks, he says, explains, it is said ... Most of the time lost, however, is a drop in the ocean. It 's like a writing which leaves on the shore of the sea takes a few moments, then just giving small wave that is cleared the written ...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

America's Best Vsp Insurance

Zelig - Dado

Dadooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!

The new king of Zelig!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Can Sperm Live For 48 Hours

premier Berlusconi scavenger ...

Ooooooooohhhhhh! Finally, our Silviucio Berlusconuccio kept a promise he had made when he was elected ... We must recognize this: he has promised to clean up the NAPL spazzat ura and today we can say that he did what he said ... the road to becoming a credible person is still a long : especially when appointed as a Minister of the reforms that Bossi 's once again insulted the nation and the flag and then one of the main articles of the Italian Constitution

Article 5 .
The Republic, one and indivisible, recognizes and promotes local autonomies, and implements services that depend on the State the fullest measure of administrative decentralization accords the principles and methods of its legislation to the requirements of autonomy and decentralization

The Criminal Code provides penalties for those who offend the country or the flag or other symbols Status:

Art 291
Insult to the Italian nation
1. Whoever publicly vilifies the Italian nation and 'punished with a fine of € 1000 to € 5000. (Section amended by art. 11 Law of 24 February 2006, n. 85) 292

Insult or damage to the flag or other emblem of the state.
1. Anyone who vilifies with expressions insulting the national flag or emblem of another state is punishable by a fine of € 1,000 to € 5,000. The penalty is increased from € 5,000 to € 10,000 in the case where the same act is committed at a public celebration or a ceremony.
2. Whoever publicly e intenzionalmente distrugge, disperde, deteriora, rende inservibile o imbratta la bandiera nazionale o un altro emblema dello Stato è punito con la reclusione fino a due anni.
3. Agli effetti della legge penale per bandiera nazionale si intende la bandiera ufficiale dello Stato e ogni altra bandiera portante i colori nazionali.
(Articolo così sostituito dall'art. 5, legge 24 febbraio 2006, n. 85)

Non c apisco come mai uno come Bossi, Maroni, Carderoli che violano questi articoli almeno 4 o 5 volte alla settimana, sono sempre in giro e fanno ancora parte di partiti politici presenti in parlamento with charges that give extraordinary powers ...

Give Bossi was Minister of reforms, is like giving a hand grenade to Bin Laden: the damage is huge !!!!!!!

Get Rid Of Lipomas Naturally

MERCANTIA 19/07/2008

Finally, after years in which I said "I go there I go there I go there and never went there, this year 's' t I did it! I managed to organize an evening at the medieval festival in Certaldo (Fi) THE MERCHANT !!!!!! event that takes place in the upper part of the country, a real propia medieval citadel at the top of the center of the country's most modern ... To achieve the citadel was the chance to take the cable car or walking along a road too steep for us ... So here we are in a crowd full of chaos of street artists, jugglers , musicians , people rigged by angels or as they pleased ... . In short, a lot of people more or less extravagant ready to have fun in an environment full of people dancing to the rhythm of drums or the various musicians who was behind every corner or that bought the various crafts stalls scattered around the country . At home we made the journey on foot and all were in agreement that the choice of taking the funicular railway up was a stroke of genius ... sometimes it takes ... considering the conditions in which most of us, there cmunque tired but happy we returned home.
But next year we repass us repass us repass ...............

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Free Sheet Music Piano Mouthwash

I videobreack of Nikkero

Remember this guy? His name is Scott Wills ... Some years ago did this spot for FREDDY ... breacker is the best in the world ... I think the bones did not have to really, other than commercials.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Wedding Invitation Wording Afrikaans

LOOK GOOD on the shelves ....... NEW COURSES

.......... the online course, I finally made a decent inventory and I put a lot of products I had never gone online for the truth ....... and I have not quite finished yet ... but there are so many things in Moreover, in section, equipment, adhesives, embellishments, stamps cards etc. ... etc. .... etc. ...., while brands such as found under the news heading to swap Heidi, My mind's eye, we r memory keepers, atiloulou, toga, EK Success and Making Memories Tim Holtz. These new cards are already available, the My Mind's Eye collection:

But of course it does not end here, tomorrow there will be in Chicago the summer CHA, and many new products of the largest manufacturers .......... I have already ordered some, I hope they arrive soon.
I remind you, for those interested tomorrow Saturday, July 18 and Sunday, July 19, I'll be at the headquarters of paper Hobbies for the courses reported in the previous post ..... I'll wait.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

How To Improve Relation Mount Blade

Videos Nikkero

this video is fantastic! I too find 'that model of phone I ..........

ah, when you say "one hand washes the 'other' ... hope that after if they are washed for real!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Congratulation Quotes Promotion

He is my myth! Whether it is to launch in the first video ...

but also for the "bomb" which is in the second spot ...

I want too 'me that beer !!!!!!!!!!!!

Stacking Mattress Toppers

Hahn Beer Commercials Put the volume up

To enjoy this video you must have the highest volume ... you will not regret

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Pain In Back Above Waist

assays Livorno say

A comes to zucchini are left are Coomer. Alli
lame pedate nelli stinchi.
Ama' senz'esse' amato è come pulissi 'r culo senza ave' caato.
A un livornese ci vole cento lire pe' fallo 'omincià e mille pe' fallo smette.
A Livorno, ’r peggio portuale sona ’r violino co’ piedi.
Acqua fino ai coglioni e pesci punti!
Avete mangiato nei bussoli fino a ieri!

Botta botta, fio secco!
Bella 'osa arzassi presto, fà un po d'acqua e tornà a letto.
Brutta in viso, e sotto il paradiso.

Che passione, avello di ciccia e baciallo di 'artone.
Chi ha potta ha pane chi ha cazzo more di fame.
Chi more puzza e chi vive sgalluzza.
Chi ride 'r venerdì and has not bald, smiling 'r Saturday and Sunday cries.
Who is the longest if he pulls it. About
trumpet only on wife 'a vo' good even on children who
an AIC un'abbi vain desires. Who's going
ar process and a caa well, three and three Vorta is Vorta go.
Five and five bread and cake.
Thigh long, fine cut.
Ass up, you f or a jump
Who works and mishandles malidetta the CIA more golds on race
leila Madonna di Montenero "
Ca'are is easy, but pigliallo ass and a flash.

Donna D 'h wiggles hip, if an bitch poo we're missing.
a formal notice three things in life: the fox, the rate and fie ass down! Women
dwarf all den
tall woman flips

It is better
ave 'fear' and toccanne.
It's like licking cunt co 'underpants. You
'Onti return, the Vaini not.

Easy trumpet heart pee standing up. Easy does
ir fennel heart vell'altri ass. Among
r'culo and the FIA \u200b\u200bis a step in Formia.
Slice 'ULO co pine nuts.
Fa 'co Vaini' Pisani. Buo
Force spends cee.
Fa cunt and ass! Make
onco to erect a ba'i ce'i
Fava vor tips! As long as it takes
mouth and ass makes your ass vo to drugs and who sells them!

Friends are 'ow' beans: talk back. Fatness half
the wheel of laps you '' icchi.

It took them more than sketches she rocks' alafuria. You give
CAAT pot holes. You ate the egg
n'culo the hen. Well
Feel like eggs! A E. .. forgive you!
You took 'na unbelievably flame (red)! You
puppammi but the stone!

Ir kiss is' why the fuck ar na telefanata be ready
The speeches will take away the wind, the cars from Livorno

The beautiful long lashes: all they want and no one look.
The woman is like 'r pig,' a throw anything away. The FIA \u200b\u200b
us, la fia ci sfa.
La testa di sotto 'omanda vella di sopra.
Le novità di questo porto? O piove, o tira vento, o sona a morto.
Le parole le porta via 'r vento, le bicirette i livonesi e i bischeri nessuno.
Le donne sono come le sarcicce: budelle fori, maiale dentro.
L'hai in Domo, come sonà a predìa.
La signora der Cignù, c'ha na fame un ne por più.
Le donne oh so puttane o volano!

Meglio 'n quer corpo lì che 'n fanteria.
Meglio puzzà di merda 'e di povero.
Meglio un morto 'n casa che 'n pisano all'uscio.
Minestra riscardata 'n fu mai bona.
Ma vòi insegnà a babbo a pipà?
Meglio invidiati 'He pitied.
But you gets a rector in the head!
Pig was never a clean grease. Better
her naked you dressed up! Better
her to read that you by the kilo!
me what I cao pai door and then she wanted! Better
pants off in your ass broke ass pants.
a better ass than a flat plate in the ass.

Ni fa ir fuck the old ones.
I joke I joke 'round about ar an ass, I mean nothing Madonnahane

straw or hay, if' r body is full. Each beautiful shoe
doventa 'na strip.
Onci Onci Onci, drink less ponchos, you see 'ow you' ve all ounce bé 'ponchos. Each
hard head is 'r to' rock.
Honest casino partner died.

children a feel it, it hurts big
Pipi erect 'a vor advice.
Pott, a dark 'ULO and ponchos. More
you suck, you have less money. Pai
what I cao door and then she wanted ... Precise
'ome a finger' nculo! Q

When r'culo caa and makes r'cazzo, vo 'n ass to drugs and who sells them!
This is Jesus, after that 'there is one more!
Quaini and horns, those who have it are his.

Gifts fii boddoni.

If S 'r world was' n ass, Livorno would be' r Buo. If you do
'' n spite Christ, by 'n poor face' n rich.
You work, you Fatia for 'er bread and pella phy, you work all year round but we give it a FIA. Without
Liller, 'is a lallera. If
vo 'does' what you like, you have to go to Livorno.
It is better you in that ar filobusse.
If you flew sluts you would eat with a slingshot. If
woman 'a wished; man' a pole.
Sai 'dare, and the reasons for pride vattro died. You
toughest of pine green. If t'andrei
had thee in the ass to the caa Meloria. You
morvidino you.
know 'and you dare mutolino.
you 'ome Mary wide' ULO and narrow FIA
simpati'o you like a cat attached to 'T oglioni

... so I eat the ears! I've got heart, but nerve
Ti ti ve 'ner ass.
pulls a hair more than a cunt wagon oxen.
Three women are 'n the market, four' na fair.
Trumpet 'ULO, health' orpo help me 'ULO else I'm dead.
t'andrei had thee in the ass to the caa Meloria .... (Cor wind earth !!!!)
Trulli Trulli, who's got them playthings. Among
scurregge ruti and God will help thee. Quiet
c'aveva horns.
All queers ass arthritis
Three things' is a bear: joy of nothing, kiss his wife and cooled milk and coffee.
you are that you are the man my wife you

'Un ti mette' 'n cammino se la bocca 'un sa di vino.
un piscio mia darculo dhe' !
Un ciànno mia cresciuti a bucce di coomero.
'Un c'è ciuo 'he t'accontenti.

Voglia di lavora' sartami addosso, ma fammi lavora' meno 'e posso.
Vento di ponente: acqua fino a' 'oglioni e pesci niente.
Vestiti ammodino!

Tory Burch Patti Wedge

Concerto Ligabue Firenze 09/07/2008

Ieri sera sono andato a vedere per la terza volta il concerto del "mitico" Lucianone, si, perchè ogni volta che vado a un suo concerto e come se fosse la prima volta. E' un po' così per tutti i concerti, ma per Liga è speciale: saranno la canzoni, i testi, people who go there, the 'atmosphere ...
We left at 18 from Livorno, me, Chris and Jonathan (yes, you write just like that), has been a long and troubled, a little 'for the car (Citroen C1) that did not have the' air conditioning and it seemed to go on a Vespa in the desert by 'hot air that there was a bit' for the traffic that grips Florence caused the tram line being built, people back home and people like us who went to the concert. Luckily we found a girl who was stressatissima traffic and we sounded the horn all the time without knowing what was going against: we watched amazed by the anger with which smadonnava against us, we could not do that there was nothing to prevent the row immediately after the surprise we took the spontaneous laughter ... and the more we laughed, as she raged. Tant 'is that we try to overtake from the right and we can ... Even worse, the laughter you add gestures of greeting and teasing that made her go out of melon more! Luckily we found an item such as the trip went well.
At 21 we finally park (Livorno-Florence in 3 hours ... like going to Rome) with the Christian bent back pain (C1 ...), I was comfortable with the bladder and Jonathan potevas pay ticket too ...
We enter at the "Franks" and the concert begins in quel momento, da li in poi il DELIRIO... Il colpo d'occhio è impressionante, tribune, curve, gradinate e prato stracolmi di gente, tantissimi da Livorno. La canzone che ha coinvolto di più è stata "Urlando contro il cielo" ma tutto il concerto che è durato due ore abbondanti, è stato un continuo di cori, braccia alzate e gente che saltava battendo le mani a tempo... uno spettacolo che come dicevo è sempre unico.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Non Denominational Short Invocation

Kapa o Pango

Ma ti immagini quelli che ci devono giocare contro? La sera prima salutano le mogli e i figli perchè potrebbe essere l' ultima volta che guardano la loro famiglia con tutti e due running eyes ... without crutches or lungs of steel, quick meal before eating with the gums for the rest of their lives! I'm supposed to be drunk to play against in fact, completely DONE !!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

How To Clean A Teddy Bear

The Simpsons Holiday in Sicily

But then there are really !!!!!! And 'he' s inimitable HOMER !!!!!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

My Doctor Says My Cervix Has A Strange Shape

This is the holiday that I did exactly a 'years ago ... spectacular, this year 's back there when I get back there the story ....