I state that I have done in the navy and I can boast of being the most beautiful sailing ship in the world ... When I disembarked from Vespucci, I was assigned to barracks Grupnul in the naval dockyards of La Spezia ...

During that period I worked at the knee but not for reasons due to Naja, so I did 6 months of convalescence; months have done that six months after I leave my comrades ( FRA '). When I came back from 'do my friends were laid off and I found myself in the midst of "BURBETTE" much younger than me ... I found myself in a few words anzianissimo!

When I left the boys with whom he had tied for the most made me very movingly a letter that ended with a poem:
This is the story of his grandfather who leave the bourgeois
missed a single month
This is the story of 'What the heroic grandfather
tired he fell asleep from exhaustion
But that was not felt in what
knew it was over
missed a single month
This is the story of 'What the heroic grandfather
tired he fell asleep from exhaustion
But that was not felt in what
knew it was over
Begins in La Spezia 'story is stupid
Then the grandfather was just a plug
It was the guards, empty trash
hated signatures and licking the dirty
seems incredible but true story
He had never taken a full decade
Never had the money dirty rogue
every day waiting for the arrival of money
The woman wrote "love comes back"
E Meanwhile, the country made him horns
went to the store with a very slow pace
Thinking about the end of the long torment
Ormai sulle spalle la naia pesava
Ma al nonno borghese più nulla importava
Mangiava dormiva più nulla faceva
Pensando al congedo che ormai lo attendeva
Tremavan le spine e battevano i denti
Al passare del nonno era tutto un attenti
Intanto la stecca sciupata dal tempo
Guardava la guardia e rideva contento
Odiava i discorsi e chiacchiere altrui
Soltanto la stecca parlava per lui
E come ogni storia a lieto fine
Lasciò la stecca alle povere spine
E quando al congedo vede la burba sfinita
Gli grida “per te una è vita per me è FINITAAAAAAAAA! ”
Sono passati 8 anni, BELLISSIMA! Forse a leggerla così, distaccati, sembra una cavolata, ma quando mi sono trovato in quel contesto, beh, per me questa piccola filastrocca era carica, e lo è tutt' ora, di significati... è fatta a posta per chi ha vissuto certi momenti per questo io mi ci sono rivisto in ogni singolo verso... Comunque ringrazio FRATTARELLI e tutti gli altri per quella lettera e per la festa del mio congedo che non scorderò mai!
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