Ooooooooohhhhhh! Finally, our Silviucio Berlusconuccio kept a promise he had made when he was elected ... We must recognize this: he has promised to clean up the NAPL spazzat ura and today we can say that he did what he said ... the road to becoming a credible person is still a long : especially when appointed as a Minister of the reforms that Bossi 's once again insulted the nation and the flag and then one of the main articles of the Italian Constitution
Article 5 .
The Republic, one and indivisible, recognizes and promotes local autonomies, and implements services that depend on the State the fullest measure of administrative decentralization accords the principles and methods of its legislation to the requirements of autonomy and decentralization .
The Republic, one and indivisible, recognizes and promotes local autonomies, and implements services that depend on the State the fullest measure of administrative decentralization accords the principles and methods of its legislation to the requirements of autonomy and decentralization .
The Criminal Code provides penalties for those who offend the country or the flag or other symbols Status:
Art 291
Insult to the Italian nation
1. Whoever publicly vilifies the Italian nation and 'punished with a fine of € 1000 to € 5000. (Section amended by art. 11 Law of 24 February 2006, n. 85) 292
Insult or damage to the flag or other emblem of the state.
1. Anyone who vilifies with expressions insulting the national flag or emblem of another state is punishable by a fine of € 1,000 to € 5,000. The penalty is increased from € 5,000 to € 10,000 in the case where the same act is committed at a public celebration or a ceremony.
2. Whoever publicly e intenzionalmente distrugge, disperde, deteriora, rende inservibile o imbratta la bandiera nazionale o un altro emblema dello Stato è punito con la reclusione fino a due anni.
3. Agli effetti della legge penale per bandiera nazionale si intende la bandiera ufficiale dello Stato e ogni altra bandiera portante i colori nazionali.
(Articolo così sostituito dall'art. 5, legge 24 febbraio 2006, n. 85)
Insult to the Italian nation
1. Whoever publicly vilifies the Italian nation and 'punished with a fine of € 1000 to € 5000. (Section amended by art. 11 Law of 24 February 2006, n. 85) 292
Insult or damage to the flag or other emblem of the state.
1. Anyone who vilifies with expressions insulting the national flag or emblem of another state is punishable by a fine of € 1,000 to € 5,000. The penalty is increased from € 5,000 to € 10,000 in the case where the same act is committed at a public celebration or a ceremony.
2. Whoever publicly e intenzionalmente distrugge, disperde, deteriora, rende inservibile o imbratta la bandiera nazionale o un altro emblema dello Stato è punito con la reclusione fino a due anni.
3. Agli effetti della legge penale per bandiera nazionale si intende la bandiera ufficiale dello Stato e ogni altra bandiera portante i colori nazionali.
(Articolo così sostituito dall'art. 5, legge 24 febbraio 2006, n. 85)
Non c apisco come mai uno come Bossi, Maroni, Carderoli che violano questi articoli almeno 4 o 5 volte alla settimana, sono sempre in giro e fanno ancora parte di partiti politici presenti in parlamento with charges that give extraordinary powers ...
Give Bossi was Minister of reforms, is like giving a hand grenade to Bin Laden: the damage is huge !!!!!!!
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