assays Livorno say
A comes to zucchini are left are Coomer. Alli
lame pedate nelli stinchi.
Ama' senz'esse' amato è come pulissi 'r culo senza ave' caato.
A un livornese ci vole cento lire pe' fallo 'omincià e mille pe' fallo smette.
A Livorno, ’r peggio portuale sona ’r violino co’ piedi.
Acqua fino ai coglioni e pesci punti!
Avete mangiato nei bussoli fino a ieri!
Botta botta, fio secco!
Bella 'osa arzassi presto, fà un po d'acqua e tornà a letto.
Brutta in viso, e sotto il paradiso.
Che passione, avello di ciccia e baciallo di 'artone.
Chi ha potta ha pane chi ha cazzo more di fame.
Chi more puzza e chi vive sgalluzza.
Chi ride 'r venerdì and has not bald, smiling 'r Saturday and Sunday cries.
Who is the longest if he pulls it. About
trumpet only on wife 'a vo' good even on children who
an AIC un'abbi vain desires. Who's going
ar process and a caa well, three and three Vorta is Vorta go.
Five and five bread and cake.
Thigh long, fine cut.
Ass up, you f or a jump
Who works and mishandles malidetta the CIA more golds on race
leila Madonna di Montenero "
Ca'are is easy, but pigliallo ass and a flash.
Donna D 'h wiggles hip, if an bitch poo we're missing.
a formal notice three things in life: the fox, the rate and fie ass down! Women
dwarf all den
tall woman flips
It is better
ave 'fear' and toccanne.
It's like licking cunt co 'underpants. You
'Onti return, the Vaini not.
Easy trumpet heart pee standing up. Easy does
ir fennel heart vell'altri ass. Among
r'culo and the FIA \u200b\u200bis a step in Formia.
Slice 'ULO co pine nuts.
Fa 'co Vaini' Pisani. Buo
Force spends cee.
Fa cunt and ass! Make
onco to erect a ba'i ce'i
Fava vor tips! As long as it takes
mouth and ass makes your ass vo to drugs and who sells them!
Friends are 'ow' beans: talk back. Fatness half
the wheel of laps you '' icchi.
It took them more than sketches she rocks' alafuria. You give
CAAT pot holes. You ate the egg
n'culo the hen. Well
Feel like eggs! A E. .. forgive you!
You took 'na unbelievably flame (red)! You
puppammi but the stone!
Ir kiss is' why the fuck ar na telefanata be ready
The speeches will take away the wind, the cars from Livorno
The beautiful long lashes: all they want and no one look.
The woman is like 'r pig,' a throw anything away. The FIA \u200b\u200b
us, la fia ci sfa.
La testa di sotto 'omanda vella di sopra.
Le novità di questo porto? O piove, o tira vento, o sona a morto.
Le parole le porta via 'r vento, le bicirette i livonesi e i bischeri nessuno.
Le donne sono come le sarcicce: budelle fori, maiale dentro.
L'hai in Domo, come sonà a predìa.
La signora der Cignù, c'ha na fame un ne por più.
Le donne oh so puttane o volano!
Meglio 'n quer corpo lì che 'n fanteria.
Meglio puzzà di merda 'e di povero.
Meglio un morto 'n casa che 'n pisano all'uscio.
Minestra riscardata 'n fu mai bona.
Ma vòi insegnà a babbo a pipà?
Meglio invidiati 'He pitied.
But you gets a rector in the head!
Pig was never a clean grease. Better
her naked you dressed up! Better
her to read that you by the kilo!
me what I cao pai door and then she wanted! Better
pants off in your ass broke ass pants.
a better ass than a flat plate in the ass.
Ni fa ir fuck the old ones.
I joke I joke 'round about ar an ass, I mean nothing Madonnahane
straw or hay, if' r body is full. Each beautiful shoe
doventa 'na strip.
Onci Onci Onci, drink less ponchos, you see 'ow you' ve all ounce bé 'ponchos. Each
hard head is 'r to' rock.
Honest casino partner died.
children a feel it, it hurts big
Pipi erect 'a vor advice.
Pott, a dark 'ULO and ponchos. More
you suck, you have less money. Pai
what I cao door and then she wanted ... Precise
'ome a finger' nculo! Q
When r'culo caa and makes r'cazzo, vo 'n ass to drugs and who sells them!
This is Jesus, after that 'there is one more!
Quaini and horns, those who have it are his.
Gifts fii boddoni.
If S 'r world was' n ass, Livorno would be' r Buo. If you do
'' n spite Christ, by 'n poor face' n rich.
You work, you Fatia for 'er bread and pella phy, you work all year round but we give it a FIA. Without
Liller, 'is a lallera. If
vo 'does' what you like, you have to go to Livorno.
It is better you in that ar filobusse.
If you flew sluts you would eat with a slingshot. If
woman 'a wished; man' a pole.
Sai 'dare, and the reasons for pride vattro died. You
toughest of pine green. If t'andrei
had thee in the ass to the caa Meloria. You
morvidino you.
know 'and you dare mutolino.
you 'ome Mary wide' ULO and narrow FIA
simpati'o you like a cat attached to 'T oglioni
... so I eat the ears! I've got heart, but nerve
Ti ti ve 'ner ass.
pulls a hair more than a cunt wagon oxen.
Three women are 'n the market, four' na fair.
Trumpet 'ULO, health' orpo help me 'ULO else I'm dead.
t'andrei had thee in the ass to the caa Meloria .... (Cor wind earth !!!!)
Trulli Trulli, who's got them playthings. Among
scurregge ruti and God will help thee. Quiet
c'aveva horns.
All queers ass arthritis
Three things' is a bear: joy of nothing, kiss his wife and cooled milk and coffee.
you are that you are the man my wife you
'Un ti mette' 'n cammino se la bocca 'un sa di vino.
un piscio mia darculo dhe' !
Un ciànno mia cresciuti a bucce di coomero.
'Un c'è ciuo 'he t'accontenti.
Voglia di lavora' sartami addosso, ma fammi lavora' meno 'e posso.
Vento di ponente: acqua fino a' 'oglioni e pesci niente.
Vestiti ammodino!
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